Supply Chain

Compass Group India has developed a robust and resilient supply chain, which encompasses sourcing a wide range of products from highly competitive and quality conscious suppliers, while also delivering products at the right time and price. The mix is optimized for local and domestic sourcing, to promote partnerships with local and small businesses. Our supplier qualification process involves certification of suppliers by third-party auditors or internal HSEQ personnel, before initiating sourcing and on-boarding. The suppliers are qualified on the basis of the Compass Group India standards around Food Safety and Hygiene. Audits are performed covering various aspects of quality, hygiene, product handling, legal / regulatory compliance and fair-trade practices.

We have institutionalized Distribution Centers (DC) (in both physical and virtual format) in key locations to maintain highest quality standards on raw material, improved material handling, traceability and offer seamless supply Chain.

Compass Group India has a framework for diverse supply chain and does not differentiate its suppliers on the basis of ethnicity, gender, caste, or religion and awards the contracts purely on merit. We promote small and local suppliers (MSMEs), co-operatives, start-ups (technology and products), etc. We also promote local brands to participate in our Café offerings for increased engagement with our customers.

Safety, resilience and security of the supply chain is at the core of our framework. Compass Group India uses only compliant suppliers approved through the Compass Group India “audit” process for sourcing food products through qualified supplier/partners for quality, hygiene, product handling, legal / regulatory compliance and fair-trade practices.

 We have a resilient Business Continuity Planning (BCP) for protection against disruption.